Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How do you sign a really cool signature?

I'm looking for something pretty, yet kinda messy. Like I want people to notice how cool it is, but I want to be able to write it naturally and quickly. What's something you can do with a capitol "K"? Are there any sites to help me?|||www.dafont.com|||My mom hides a capital K in her signature. But too this day I have never found it. Her signature just looks like a bunch of weird circles. At the same time I've always really liked it because it is completely original... and freaking hard to forge. (I should know, I tried quite a few times as a kid). In any case she got her crazy signature when she enlisted in the military before I was born and had to sign tons of papers. Apparently her signature just evolved into what it is today. So, long story short just write your signature over and over again until it fluidly changes into something completely new and original.|||mix up celebrities handwriting together, it looks really cool!

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